Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Georgia on My Mind

Okay, so I work really really hard. Taking care of 10 adults in an Assisted Living home is daunting. Add to it the tons of administrative work and running around. But today we had a spontaneous dance party with our residents. One man with a brain injury who barely speaks, and even then only in a whisper, actually sang "Georgia on My Mind" out loud as another resident cheered him on. The grouchy lady who never smiles actually did so. "That's my favorite song," she said. The whole staff was together in the kitchen laughing and dancing. I held hands with a wheelchair-bound lady and we moved to the music together.

This is my job. I can't believe it. Sometimes I hate it. There are so many laws to comply with and so many county assistance forms to fill out. The resident's need so much help, whether it is explaining documents from their doctor or just helping them find the word for "that thing you drive around", a car. But you can't hate moments like the one I had today.

I have been working in my office for the past couple hours feeling famished. One of the aides just brought me a plate of hot lasagna and garlic bread to eat before I go home.

I am blessed.